Ruines du château de Salm
Hameau de Salm, 67130 La Broque
The castle would have been built by the count Henry of Salm at the beginning of the 13th s. Edifié on a spur gréseux, it is removed(untied) from the mountain by a ditch(gap) near(on the side of) the attack. The vestiges of the quadrangular donjon, a semicircular tower are kept(preserved) well which flanked(threw) its surrounding wall(speaker), a bastion of the 14th s. and a vaulted tank dating the 16th s. He(It) is in ruins since the 17th s. In the ditch(gap), a registration(inscription) relates the passage of two princes of Salm in 1779.
The ruins are sitting down in 809 m of height on a lengthened(stretched out) bedrock, on the massif of the Hung Cat, in the State-owned forest of Donon. The castle of Salm was located in the crossroads of a beam of medieval "roads" crossing the vosgien massif by High Stubble.
The vestiges of this fortress leave think that it was about a realisation of Gothic style of Rhenish influence indications of which stay visible(obvious) in the elements of trilobées windows, benches of big(great) bays(berries), fireplaces and decorative elements in mouldings and rabbets. A surcreusée room and vaulted on doubleaux endowed with an edge sheltered a tank today partly filled. The donjon is semi circular with throat(breast) closed in walls widening gradually of 2,20 m in 3 m of thickness side of the attack. The level of the first floor is delimited in internal circular semi part(party) by a double row of ravens. The set(group) was realised in an equipment(casting off) in well-made smooth stones.
Three big(great) working campaigns(countrysides) are identified: Rectangular Surrounding wall(Speaker) sheltering homes and bergfried (tower placed on the panoramic terrace) in the XIIIth century; installation of a big(great) poultry-yard at the foot of the southeast curtain (at the beginning of the XIVth century); creation of the donjon with tours(towers,ballots) of flanking and piece of news(short story) porterie in the XIVth century, extension of the poultry-yard. For more than ten years, the Association of the watchers de Salm fastens with passion to be maintained and to restore these not very known ruins, which testify a fascinating regional history(story) however and that offer an exceptional panorama on the vosgien massif.
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Monument historique
Parking lot of the House forester de Salm. Marking(Tagging) Vosgien club (yellow rectangle)
©Raoul Rohmer