Chapelle et maison du clergé Charles de Blois
Maison du clergé - le Bon Secours 7 rue d'Artois, 41000 Blois
- Loir-et-Cher
- Centre-Val de Loire
Chapel of the House of the clergy realised (architecture and decoration of wall paintings(paints)) by Bernard Lorjou and Simone Mottet. 1962-1989-2005\. This creation is adorned with 55 m of paintings(cloths) illustrating 7 satellite dishes(parabolae), of Christ and with a stained-glass window. Visited again by Madeleine Siériès who restructured the chorus(choir), created the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, furniture and lightings.
Édifice religieux, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO
Every person. Car of possible handicapped person.
Maison du Clergé