Château de Cambray
3 lieu-dit Cambray 28140 Germignonville
- Eure-et-Loir
- Centre-Val de Loire
It is 28 march 1575 which François Lambert, horseman and adviser(councillor) of the king, listener(auditor) in his room(chamber) of accounts, bought the earth(ground) of Cambray from the nobleman of Oinville, Lord du Puiset. The manorial place of Cambray served as hunting party to François Lambert until he{she} dies in 1589\. It is about the most old(former) part(party) of the castle, located to the left and which dates the XVth century. She(It) contains 2 buildings(ships) which had to be a part of a farm. They are built in right angle, the angle being occupied by a round tower. They are in stones matched by bricks. It is Charles Lambert, adviser(councillor) of the king and great master of the forestry authority of the duchy of Orléans which built the central detached house(flag) between 1650 and 1700, under Louis XIV. He(It) is in stones and in freestones for the pillars of angle. Both wings, located on each side were shortly after built. It is the common(current) XIXth century, that were added 2 octagonal towers. As for the common(shared), it is Charles de Cambray who built them in 1901\. To the right, the chapel construction of which began in 1805, was extended by old discounts(deliveries) which were demolished(destroyed) during the construction of the common(shared). He(It) stays only 2 small square buildings(ships), old(former) smithy to shoe horses. Cellars are the most old(former) constructions of the set(group) of Cambray. They understand(include) 2 rooms: the first one(night) which dates XIIIE / XIVE century, has a vaulted vault. The second room dates the same time(period) or even would be previous(former) to it. His(Her,Its) vault is in crossing of ogives supported(born) by a rather important central pillar.
Monument historique, Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Espace naturel, parc, jardin
In 1 h 15 Paris time - In 30 minutes Chartres time, from Orléans and from Chateaudun and in 10 minutes of the highway A10

H. de Cambray