Site archéologique des Mazelles
5 Rue Romaine, 41140 Thésée
- Loir-et-Cher
- Centre-Val de Loire
Gallo-Roman site of the 2nd century. This complex of buildings is located 800 m from the village of Thésée, along the departmental road D176 and a hundred meters from the right bank of the river Cher. During the Gallo-Roman period, the Maselles were near the Roman road from Tours to Bourges. This track is probably now under the road along the enclosure or under the Tours-Vierzon railway track. The construction technique used makes it possible to date these monuments from the beginning of the second century AD, under the Emperor Hadrian. The decline of Tasciaca, linked to the routes of communication and the production of pottery, began in the 3rd century. After a late resurgence in the 4th and 5th centuries, these enigmatic buildings were abandoned.
Monument historique, Site archéologique, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire
direct access, parking
Amis du Musée et du Site de Tasciaca