Eglise Saint-Cyr et Sainte-Julitte
Place de la Motte,56190, Ambon
The parish church of Ambon is a composite building origin of which goes back up(raises) to pre-Romance time(period). The most old(former) structures in elevation, corresponding to the nave, date most probably the end of the 10th century. The transept belongs to Romance time(period), as well as old(former) chorus(choir), the plan of which remains(subsists), the emphasised in the course of a previous campaign(countryside) of restoration(catering). The current chorus(choir) dates a reconstruction in the 15th century, then the set(group) was included in successive additions, mainly in the 17th century.
Édifice religieux, Monument historique
Mairie Ambon - Eglise Saint-Cyr et Sainte-Julitte