5000 years B.C. in Morbihan, the Neolithic is explained

The immersive and interactive exhibition dedicated to the Neolithic in Morbihan and proposed by the Departmental Council of Morbihan is an invitation to travel: a trip to the heart of the daily life of the Neolithic populations.
As an archaeologist, an immersive tour
This exhibition is resolutely interactive. Accompanied by a Neolithik digital visit app, the visitor becomes an archaeologist, actor and expert in his discovery of the Neolithic. Various spaces for scientific manipulation allow audiences of all ages to discover scientific disciplines related to archaeology (archaeozoology, palynology, ceramics, etc.). Immersive and digital spaces are proposed in the scenography to offer the public a complete experience of visit. 3D modelling, site videos, interviews with specialists enrich the course. Archaeological objects, scientific drawings made for this occasion and archival documents are also presented within the exhibition to illustrate the subject.
To each his specialty!
The manipulation spaces, developed specifically for the exhibition’s scenography, allow the visitor to reconstruct animal skeletons (archaeozoology) or ceramic objects (ceramics) or to identify pollens (palaeobotany and palynology) and to learn more about these disciplines which play a leading role in the analysis and understanding of the sites excavated by archaeologists.