Salle Vagneron - Maison du Peuple
11 rue Battant 25000 Besançon
- Doubs
- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
The building, which became the property of the Maison du Peuple in 1929, belonged in the 17th century to a large family of our city, the d'Achey, an illustrious house that derived its name from a small village near GRAY. The d'ACHEY have provided several dignitaries to the court of our sovereigns. The building had large outbuildings that extended to Charmont Street (now Madeleine Street). The hotel of ACHEY, long before the Revolution, had already passed into the hands of commoners to become the hotel Saint-Paul, a hostel frequented by the ro-ro who found in a backyard, as big as a fairground, confining to the present garden of the Ecole Normale, The space they need to park their toys and shelter their teams. During the Revolution, the Hôtel Saint-Paul was renamed "Guillaume Tel". The owner was then Nicolas Pône. In the Graizely room, once the dining room of the ACHEY hotel, there was still a beautiful fireplace bought by the Maison du Peuple from the City of Besançon. Opposite, in the
Maison des illustres, Maison, appartement, atelier de personnes célèbres