Fun and participatory itinerary to discover 7 atypical places. This itinerary will start with a short presentation- Salle Père Marchand
Saturday 17 September 2022 from 10am to 4pm Fun and participatory tour to discover 7 atypical places, lots. Equipped with a leaflet offered by the municipality of Saint Geoire in Valdaine, you can discover during a walk, 7 emblematic places: the "walk of the 7 places" by Scholastique DUGUEYT. You will look for hints recalled on the leaflet that will be given to you at the 1st step by the Station Manager!... Rewards will be distributed during the ride provided you find the answers... Departure from the Swimming Pool/ La Combe (Salle du Père Marchand) after a short conference on the Balade des 7 Lieux, a leaflet will be given to you at the 1st stage by the Chef de Gare... You will discover 7 emblematic places of the village of St Geoire in VAldaine during a walk of one and a half hours: the tram station, the biscuit factory, the swimming pool and the football club, the forge, the castle of Clermont, the central bar, the war memorials and many more. If you manage to find the right answers, rewards will be waiting for you at each of 7 locations. Don’t forget… your boots (7 Leagues)… Short conference every half hour from 10 to 4 pm.