Flour mill
In the fifteenth century there was already a mill in this valley on the stream called the Cras. It was destroyed over time (1458). This one was built in 1840, of a stone bedrock, and the top with a very local material taken in the basement that is made of sand and limestone; a very friable material. That is why the walls are plastered on the outside and inside. Mr. Alexis Richard-Martin built this mill. Then it was his son Michel dit Louis, then his grandson George Richard-Martin who made it work in turn until about 1963. The latter delivered the Voironnaise bakeries. There were three generations of millers and there were also three wheels perhaps each theirs. They each added in their turn devices to modernize the mill but this involved more and more power. The first wheel was made of wood of an unknown diameter, the second metal of a width of 1 meter and the third is 1.20 m wide with a diameter of 7m. This last set up in 1936, buy used at the mill of Mr. PION in Bossieu, disassemble and reassemble on the spot. It is a bucket wheel (90 l of water each).