Maison des Forts - Sustainable Heritage Exhibition

Built in the middle of the 14th century for security reasons, the buildings of the village fort of La Sauvetat were used, from the end of the 15th century, for other purposes. Their transformation into houses or agricultural buildings respected the right of way and the double fortification. Today the administrative documents (terriers and cadastres) at our disposal make it possible to find the history of each plot.
Several times, until the middle of the 19th century, the fort will be described in poor condition and it is finally viticulture that will save most of these buildings.
It must nevertheless be acknowledged that the buildings built in the 14th century have lost much of their military presence but they are present and testify.
Today a new project should ensure the sustainability of this place, marking the completion of nearly 40 years of work.
Head to La Maison des Forts (rue des remparts) for an exhibition and a slideshow.