Saturday 18 September 2021, 15:00Passed
Starting point communicated during final registration, limited number of participants.
September 2021
Saturday 18
15:00 - 16:30

Guided tour: from Cherbourg to the Americas: the transatlantic epic

Discovery of the importance of Cherbourg in the transatlantic emigration, the ferry terminals that have succeeded each other in the city and the evolution of their users.
Saturday 18 September 2021, 15:00Passed
Starting point communicated during final registration, limited number of participants.
© OT Cotentin

Provided from the middle of the nineteenth century with an artificial harbour of 1500 hectares, Cherbourg will receive very quickly the liners of the transatlantic foreign companies transporting emigrants and passengers. A golden age that will see three ferry terminals succeed each other. The emigrants of the first years will soon give way to Hollywood stars and VIPs aboard deckchairs increasingly luxurious and prestigious.

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thème 2021
Patrimoine pour tous
Conditions de participation
Gratuit, Sur inscription

About the location

Hôtel de ville
Place Napoléon, Cherbourg-Octeville, 50100 Cherbourg-en-Cotentin
  • Manche
  • Normandie
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir