Exhibition "Our Matrimoine"

Exhibition "Our Matrimoine"
30 women who made history
In the exceptional setting of the Castral Chapel of Peipin (thirteenth-sixteenth centuries), thirty portraits of women from all eras of Olympus from Gouges to Barbara, by way of Alice Guy. An exhibition conceived by the association Femmes Solidaires, which will be the subject of two visits commented on Saturday 18 at 15h and at 17h (about 45 mn), as well as a debate-meeting, Sunday 18 from 11h30 with Jacqueline Hennegrave and Malka Marcovich. Free entrance on reservation. As a reminder, this chapel was saved from destruction by the Marquise Blanche de Castellane at the beginning of the twentieth century. The latter decided to buy back the entire hill overlooked by this building, learning that the building would serve as a stone quarry. An important heritage saved by a woman of character.