18 and 19 September 2021Passed
Free. Access within the limit of available places. Reservation at the reception stands on day D.
September 2021
Saturday 18
13:45 - 18:00
Sunday 19
10:15 - 12:30
13:45 - 18:00

Château de Lunéville

Place de la 2e division de cavalerie, 54300 Lunéville
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est

Between permanent collections and temporary exhibition, discover the «Château des Lumières»

Enjoy guided tours around the history of the castle and its illustrious characters, as well as guided tours of the temporary exhibition dedicated to 18th century Lorraine sculpture.
18 and 19 September 2021Passed
Free. Access within the limit of available places. Reservation at the reception stands on day D.

Enjoy guided tours around the history of the castle and its illustrious characters, as well as guided tours of the temporary exhibition dedicated to 18th century Lorraine sculpture.

«Sculpture in its castle with variations on a major art»
Exhibition - EventIn partnership with the Louvre Museum and the Palace of the Dukes of Lorraine – Musée Lorrain.
The political epicentre of the duchies of Lorraine in the last century of their independence, the castle of Lunéville is also the monumental crucible of an art nourished by multiple influences. After the graceful grandeur desired by Duke Leopold (1698-1729), the rocaille fantasy inspired by Stanislas Leszczynski (1737-1766) is succeeded. In a palace battered by a fate often contrary, the sculpture always testifies to the talent of the artists gathered to conceive the framework of a brilliant court life, from the portrait of the sovereigns to the decor of the apartments, passing by the fountains that brightens the perspective of the gardens.
It is thus an art perceived in all its diversity that the exhibition of the Museum of the Castle of Lunéville intends to highlight. Through the presence of major works, some of which will be rediscovered for the first time on the site for which they were designed, the exhibition will allow the public to reconnect with the spirit of a place today in full renaissance.
His speech will shine on the scale of the castle and its park.
It will also be extended by the publication of an important catalogue, a synthesis of research often unpublished by the best specialists.

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thème 2021
No selection
Conditions de participation
Gratuit, Sur inscription

About the location

Château de Lunéville
Place de la 2e division de cavalerie, 54300 Lunéville
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est
For the first time since the fire of 2003, the museum of the castle of Lunéville proposes, from 2018 and for several years, a route(course) of visit in three acts allowing the total discovery of the castle of Lunéville and of its history(story). This route(course) is re-ranked and enriched new acquisitions with the presentation(display) of exceptional rooms(parts,plays) existent from collections of the Palace of the dukes of Lorraine – Lorraine Museum. ACT 1: «GOLD AND GLORY, LUNÉVILLE AND ITS DUKES IN the XVIIITH CENTURY» On the occasion of its closure(lock) for renovation, the Palace of the dukes of Lorraine - Lorraine Museum, proposes within the museum of the Castle of Lunéville, a selection of major works manifesting the blooming of arts committed(hired) under Leopold and pursued by Stanislas. The visitor discovers the sumptuous portraits and the objects of splendour of the great figures which built the image of the castle of Lunéville and of the Lorraine. ACT 2:« THE CASTLE, BETWEEN COURSES(PRICES) AND GARDENS exhibition "(exposure") The revealed palace »opened in 2017 is transformed and receives new acquired rooms(parts,plays) recently by the Museum of the castle, of which tapestry« The greengrocers», an armchair of splendour of the XVIIIth century... This second act allows to evoke the construction of the building, the direction(fabrication) of power, but also the privileged and original link which the ducale family weaved here with nature in Europe at the time. ACT 3: «LIGHT ON THE COURT(YARD) OF LUNÉVILLE " The exhibition "(exposure") 10 years of revealed acquisitions »grows rich of new works: acquisitions, but also rooms(parts,plays) kept(preserved) in the reserves of the museum. Beyond the discovery of the culture of court(yard) developed in Lunéville, this third space tells the aesthetic, cultural, scientific and philosophical inheritance of the Age of the Enlightenment which beams today well beyond the walls of the castle of Lunéville.
The Castle of Lunéville, Palace of the last dukes of Lorraine, manifests unfolded pomps still widely the three centuries ago by a bright court(yard). The inheritance of the XVIIIth century makes of Lunéville "the castle of the Enlightenment". It was built from 1703 till 1720 for the duke Leopold Ier of Lorraine, on plans of the architect German Boffrand. If flames grievously hurt stones, the fire of January 2nd, 2003 saved(spared) the spirit of places. Since fire, the castle of Lunéville is the object of a large construction site(work) of reconstruction and of restoration(catering). A first working phase allowed to deliver more than 2000 m ² of surfaces restored and equipped for events(demonstrations) with cultural character (exhibition(exposure), conferences, concerts, philosophical coffees(cafés), …)
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs, Musée, salle d'exposition, Monument historique, Musée de France
©Pierre-Philippe Arnould - Creative Commons