18 and 19 September 2021Passed
Free. Free entrance. All public. Provide: a pen and a support.
September 2021
Saturday 18
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Sunday 19
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00

Musée du château des Rohan

Place du Général de Gaulle, 67700 Saverne
  • Bas-Rhin
  • Grand Est

Track Game: Following in the Footsteps of the Museum’s Collections

Discover, through a photo tour, the secrets of the collections of the Saverne museum and the history of the city.
18 and 19 September 2021Passed
Free. Free entrance. All public. Provide: a pen and a support.
©Musée du Château des Rohan

Discover, through a photo tour, the secrets of the collections of the Saverne museum and the history of the city.

From the famous Rohan castle with its eventful history, to the hidden clues in the Grand-Rue, you will no longer see Saverne in the same eye!
Come to the museum reception on the second floor of the castle, to remove your plan and your support to go on an adventure!

Types d'événement
Animation Jeune public
Thème 2021
No selection
Conditions de participation

About the location

Musée du château des Rohan
Place du Général de Gaulle, 67700 Saverne
  • Bas-Rhin
  • Grand Est
The majestic Castle of Rohan, with its huge neoclassical facade, manifests the role of Saverne. The city was from(since) the beginning of Middle Ages, property and seat(siege) of the episcopacy of Strasbourg, that is it is not either free or subservient to a Lord, but belongs to the bishop of Strasbourg. She(It) serves as seat(siege) for the administration of her(its) property(goods) and properties, which are large, on both(all) sides of the Rhine.
Several bishops are going particularly to develop the city(estate): Albert then Robert de Bavière in the XVth century, the princes of Furstenberg at the end of the XVIth century and especially as regards the castle, the cardinals of Rohan, in the XVIIIth century, who are aged-related of gold of the city, whose sumptuous episcopal parties(holidays) were worth to him(her,it) the title of " Alsatian Versailles ".
The current castle is the fourth of a series of monuments which followed one another in this location since the Middle Ages, the very first manorial building being Oberhof – the upper castle – located pendent of the episcopal palace.
[STOP_TRANSLATION]Le bâtiment visible de nos jours est une restauration de l’édifice que le cardinal Louis-René-Edouard de Rohan-Guéméné a commandé à l’architecte Nicolas Salins de Monfort, suite à l’incendie de 1779 qui a détruit le palais précédent. Les travaux sont interrompus par la Révolution. Pendant la première moitié du XIXe siècle, le château, en ruines, est menacé de démolition. Il est restauré par Napoléon III pour y installer des veuves d’officiers civils et militaires morts au service de la France. Après la guerre franco-allemande de 1870, le château est transformé en caserne et accueille, après le retour à la France en 1918, le 10e Bataillon de chasseurs à pied. Depuis 1945, l’édifice est propriété de la Ville qui assure son entretien et y a installé de nombreux équipements culturels.
Le Musée du Château des Rohan présente de riches collections archéologiques gallo-romaines et médiévales découvertes à Saverne et dans les environs. Il se compose de trois sections : art et histoire, Louise Weiss et archéologique.
Musée de France, Musée, salle d'exposition, Monument historique
©Office de Tourisme Saverne