Theatrical performance of "Ulysses - Chapter 11" by the company Gyntiana

Based in Aubervilliers, the company Gyntiana presents its adaptation of one of the chapters of the mythical novel Ulysses, by James Joyce.
4pm: The song of the mermaids. Leopold Bloom continues to wander the streets of Dublin when he falls for the third time on Brilliant Boylan, the alleged lover of his wife Molly. He has an appointment with Lenehan at the Ormond, before finding Bloom’s wife. In full doubt and taking advantage of the untimely meeting of Richie Goulding, Leopold Bloom decides to enter incognito to the Ormond to observe what happens there and to write a letter to Martha, her epistolary lover. There, he is caught up in the torment of the singing of the sirens, those who stand behind the bar but also the different musics that come to haunt his mind and the place…
Direction and translation by Georges Ghika
With Jutta Wernicke, Anne-Sarah Faget, Benoît Hamelin, Daniel Blanchard, Thomas Arnaud, Olivier Deville, Michel Courret, Mama Capron, Sylviane Borie, Lucette Bitoun, Gilles Claveau