19 and 20 September 2020Passed
Workshops start every half hour from 10h continuously until 18h. Last entry at 16h30\. Limited to 5 participants per half hour.
September 2020
Saturday 19
10:00 - 18:00
Sunday 20
10:00 - 18:00
8 to 12 years old


22 cours Grandval Ajaccio
  • Corse-du-Sud
  • Corse

What is a patrician house? Educational workshops.

Educational workshops in connection with the exhibition "Grandes demeures de Corse, les maisons patriciennes en Corse au temps des Bonaparte: 1769-1870".
19 and 20 September 2020Passed
Workshops start every half hour from 10h continuously until 18h. Last entry at 16h30\. Limited to 5 participants per half hour.
Maison Bonaparte

Several educational workshops will make it possible to appropriate the vocabulary and knowledge of patrician homes of the late eighteenth and much of the nineteenth centuries. Educational booklets, puzzle, puzzle-cubes, reconstitution of columns and four orders, carpet-games. So many attractive and innovative supports to know and recognize the treasures of the Bonaparte architecture.

Types d'événement
Animation Jeune public
Thème 2020
Patrimoine et éducation
Conditions de participation
Gratuit, Sur inscription

About the location

22 cours Grandval Ajaccio
  • Corse-du-Sud
  • Corse
The mission of the CAUE is to promote the quality of architecture, urban planning and the environment with the constant concern to adapt it to local particularities, apart from any project management.