Visit brought(moved) forward in Choisy-le-Roi

Poetic route(course) to live at the heart of the district The Sailors(Browsers) restoring the artistic residence of several authors (video, theatre, photography, architect and plastic surgeon) in situ.
The multicultural team of Declic invites you in a poetic and brought(moved) forward visit at the heart of the district The Sailors(Browsers) in Choisy-le-Roi (94600) on September 22nd. Visit perfomative at 14 h and 16 h. Possibility of taking current(in class) visits.
From February till August, 2019, the artists in residence in situ collected of the random access memory, met humanities, passed on(transmitted) practice to the young people of their media respective to promote the inhabitant at the heart of a district built at the beginning of the fifties and which gets ready to live a big(great) period of transfers(transformations). Emblematic of constructions of type COUNCIL FLATS of the fifties, ancestor of the famous cities(estates) garden, the district The Sailors(Browsers) opens you its doors for a brought(moved) forward visit, far from pictures(clichés) on the inhabitants of working-class districts. Outdoor and inside, the route(course) sowed(scattered) with surprises invites you to plunge into a part(party) of our collective memory.
With the partnership of the friendly of the tenants The Great Sailors(Browsers) and of the PIMP VALLEY of Vitry-sur-Seine. DIA LOG is a collaborative and participative action(share) supported by the city of Choisy-le-Roi, the VAL-DE-MARNE CD, CGET, the Valophis group SHOULD LIVE, the PIMP VALLEY of Vitry-sur-Seine, EPT 12 and is prize-winner 2019 of the bow(arc) of innovation Big(Great) Paris.