21 and 22 September 2019Passed
Free admission
September 2019
Saturday 21
11:00 - 18:00
Sunday 22
13:00 - 18:00
Accessible to the motor impaired
4 to 99 years old

Centre tchèque de Paris

18 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France

Workshops(Studios) for families: from the thaler of Czech money(silver) in the worldwide dollar

Workshops(Studios) for families in the Czech Centre of Paris on the thèque of the evolution of the currency(change)
21 and 22 September 2019Passed
Free admission
Východočeské muzeum v Pardubicích

As part of exhibition(exposure) "From the thaler of Czech money(silver) in the worldwide dollar", the Czech Centre invites families to participate in the creative workshops(studios).
Take your children and come discover how the currency(change) in the past was beaten and to fabricate your own tolar.
Workshops(Studios) - on Saturday 21/09 (11h-18h) and on Sunday 22/09 (13h-18h)
Exhibition(Exposure) explains birth and evolution of the called currency(change) "Tolar" in Europe in the XVIth century. It is in 1520 in Jáchymov in Countries Czech that they began to beat this currency(change): silver, large-sized(tall) rooms(parts,plays), called the tolar. The tolar fast became a generic name for all currencies beaten similarly. Exhibition(Exposure) explains reason why, at the end of the XVIth century, "dollar" became the term used for currency unit in the United States. Exhibition(Exposure) highlights the report(relationship) between the evolution of the currency(change) until our days and resources in terms of raw materials in time(period) on the territory of the Czech Countries.
Come discover the history(story) of the dollar - the currency(change) most used in world!
Realised in collaboration with Museum of Eastern Bohême in Pardubice
as part of the programme of European Heritage Days in Paris.
Private view: on Friday 20/09 18 h 30
Opening: on Saturday 21/09:11h-18h and on Sunday 22/09:13-18h
More information about the site of the Czech Centre.

Types d'événement
No selection
Thème 2019
No selection
Conditions de participation
No selection
Numéro SIRET de mon établissement (ou à défaut, numéro de SIREN)
No input

About the location

Centre tchèque de Paris
18 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France
The Czech Centre in Paris is part of the Czech Centre network, which is a contribution organisation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Its mission is to present Czech culture in France in all its forms. Within its walls, it organizes three to five events a week; each year, it organizes or participates in the organization, in its building and outside its walls, of nearly two hundred events (exhibitions, concerts, cinema screenings, literary evenings, conferences...). In 2001, he founded his own jazz club, the Paris-Prague jazz club, and in 2002, the Jazzycolors International Festival. In 2002, he took part in the creation of the Forum des Instituts Culturels de Paris FICEP, a unique association bringing together more than fifty cultural centres in a sustainable basis, with the aim of highlighting the promotion of cultural diversity, beyond traditional diplomacy and bilateral agreements. In collaboration with FICEP, in 2013, the Czech Center of Paris introduced the
Musée, salle d'exposition, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs, Musée de France
© Centre tchèque de Paris