21 and 22 September 2019Passed
Free admission
September 2019
Saturday 21
08:30 - 18:30
Sunday 22
08:30 - 19:00

Église Saint-Martin-aux-Champs

Place Saint-Martin, 57000 Metz
  • Moselle
  • Grand Est

Visit free of the church Saint Martin

Visit free of the church Saint Martin
21 and 22 September 2019Passed
Free admission
Eglise Saint-Martin
Types d'événement
Visite libre
Thème 2019
No selection
Conditions de participation

About the location

Église Saint-Martin-aux-Champs
Place Saint-Martin, 57000 Metz
  • Moselle
  • Grand Est
This church is one of the oldest parishes in Metz. Built on the ancient Roman rampart in the 9th century, it was rebuilt in the 13th century, at the time of the last jobs of the Romanesque style and the first of the Gothic style. This church has the particularity of having no facade and having the south arm of the transept shortened by the piercing of Lasalle Street. In 1887, the German architect Conrad Wahn built a new bell tower in the Gothic Revival style. The stained glass windows of 1881 are the work of Messin Laurent-Charles Maréchal, master glassmaker and leader of the Metz School, whose works can be found throughout the city. But the church also contains other riches. The visitor under the crossroads of the transept will not fail to look up to see a sumptuous vault in stars. The building also contains a 14th-century Gothic sculpture depicting the Nativity, when the Virgin breastfeeds the Child Jesus. On this side of the church, one can finally observe polychrome shields in the
Monument historique, Édifice religieux
©Ville de Metz