15 and 16 September 2018Passed
Remove a bill(ticket) from the entrance(admission) of the site (house of the guard), a duration 45 minutes, limited to 80 people by representation.
September 2018
Saturday 15
11:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 16:00
Sunday 16
11:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 16:00
Accessible to the hearing impaired
Accessible to the visually impaired
Accessible to the psychic impaired
Accessible to the motor impaired

Château d'Hardelot - Centre Culturel de l'Entente Cordiale

1 rue de la Source - 62360 Condette
  • Pas-de-Calais
  • Hauts-de-France

Show "Good morning Shakespeare! "

Come discover the history(story) of Elizabethan theatre in the course of a theatralized visit organised by the Company of the Rollmop.
15 and 16 September 2018Passed
Remove a bill(ticket) from the entrance(admission) of the site (house of the guard), a duration 45 minutes, limited to 80 people by representation.
©Département du Pas-de-Calais

«Good morning Shakespeare!», it is an immersion in the universe of theatre Elisabéthain. That of today, in whom(which) are gathered(combined) the audience, but especially that yesterday, that of origin: Why this such a specific architecture? What was the historic, social, political context? How did they play it, in which atmosphere? It is also a meeting(appointment) with his actors, his detractors, his authors. And particularly the most famous of them: William Shakespeare.
But «Good morning Shakespeare!» a conference is under no circumstances. To speak about a theatre, it is necessary to make him live, theatre is needed. A dramatic art, of characters, coups de théâtre is needed. In this case, a clown-like duet interrupts a classic visit of the castle, and game(set,play) begins. Graham, landing(turning up) in right(straight) line of the beginning of the 17è century, ghost roaming behind the scenes of theatre since his unveiling comes into sight then, of depths of the stage(scene). At least, it is the history(story) which they tell us. The trio invests(surrounds) the whole place: the stage(scene), floors, the flowerbed(orchestra), uses light, architecture, music. It is a show for all. For the beginners, the walkers, the curious, as for the erudite persons: in the text is sowed(scattered) a multitude of references to works and of Shakespeare's quotations (Graham, for example, is a direct reference to Robert Greene, poet and contemporary author of Shakespeare, having probably inspired the character of Falstaff). A putting there abime play, surprising, an experience(experiment) to be shared.

Types d'événement
Spectacle / Lecture
Édition 2018
No selection
Conditions de participation
Gratuit, Sur inscription
No selection

About the location

Château d'Hardelot - Centre Culturel de l'Entente Cordiale
1 rue de la Source - 62360 Condette
  • Pas-de-Calais
  • Hauts-de-France
Neogothic manor, built by English in the XIXth century on the ruins of the fortified castle of the XIIIth century. The castle of Hardelot found its Victorian atmosphere in 2014\. Of the dining room in the smoking-room, the library(bookcase) in the private apartments, everything is stamped of a French-British influence. The collection perms participle in the narrative of this tumultuous history(story) between these two countries, of William the Conqueror in our days.
Monument historique, Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Musée, salle d'exposition
Highway from Amiens (by A16), from Lille (A25 and A16), from Bruges, (A18 and A16), of Dover by the Channel Tunnel or the ferry, from Paris (A16). From Boulogne and Touquet, take direction(management) Condette (cultural centre of cordial agreement). SNCF access, station of bridge(deck) of bricks, station of Neufchâtel-Hardelot, parks Boulogne city, Boulogne Tintellerie or Calais Frethun. Direct TGVS since Paris, Lille or London.