Chateau des Brasseurs
1 place du Château, 88220 Xertigny
It is in 1860, that Victor Simon champion, young brewer of Pressigny in Haute-Marne and sons(thread) of well-off(easy) farmers, arrives at the Brasserie(Brewery) of Supposed. Studying in Bavaria at the school of Weihenstephan, he came to improve in this first brasserie(brewery) then in the brasserie(brewery) of Orémus located in the city centre. From 1864 till 1865, Victor champion becomes partner in the brasserie(brewery) of Supposed beside Victor drunkard and Jacques Vavasseur. For small anecdote, at that time, Victor champion who lived in the mail relay (in inn relay stagecoaches) is going to get acquainted with Alice Ménestrey, girl of the innkeeper. In 1865 Victor and Alice get married. By this marriage, Alice is going to bring him(her,it) a social role but also a considerable(significant) dowry. Of their union, Berthe Marie Claire champion on June 8th, 1866 will be born. The same year, Victor champion will resume(take back) the brasserie(brewery) of Xertigny (brasserie(brewery) of Orémus) which went downhill, to the spouses Thirion and also that of Supposed. He(It) built then a colossal brasserie(brewery), employing about 90 people, with numerous buildings(ships) on three floors and huge cellars. The castle of Orémus was destroyed and on his place departmental architect in Épinal set himself up in 1888, the current castle, according to the plans of M.CLASQUIN. His(Her,Its) cost in time(period): 300 000 F and including decoration.
The family domain extended over several hundred hectares. Firm Mortal possessed the breeding of pheasants for the hunting, amateur Henry Trivier of which was. Mr Christian, sworn game warden, was in charge(loaded) of the organisation. The breeding of pheasants in Xertigny also served to feed hunting of the President of the Republic in Rambouillet. Property also contained ponds which served to make the ice(mirror,ice cream), kept(preserved) all year long in the cellars of the brasserie(brewery). In 1917, a croquet lawn was built east of the castle. At that time, the Brasserie(Brewery) works very well: of 4 000 hl of beer in 1870, production passes to 110 000 hl in 1890\. A fortune realised in 20 years. Unfortunately Mr Champion dies in 1891 at the age of 52 years. He(It) will live in the Castle only 3 years... All this empire is then passed on(transmitted) to his son-in-law Henry Trivier, who has already been his collaborator and who supported(maintained) 30 years direction(management). Then it was his(her,its) two threads(wires) which regained control up to the stop of war. The lack of raw material, the complication of transport and especially an export ban due to the busy zone make fall(flop) production dangerously: of 110 000 hl, she(it) comes down(falls) to 19 000 hl. In 1966 adventure comes to an end.
In 1958 the Castle is put for sale. Later, the Générale des eaux company of Paris, took ownership of places to make a holiday camp. Then in 1977, the Municipality(Commune) of Xertigny buys the castle and its four hectare park to instal(settle) the Town hall there in January, 1979\. He(It) will be inaugurated in 1982.
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire, Jardin remarquable

Mairie de Xertigny