15 and 16 September 2018Passed
Visit outdoor and indoor (not heated). Plan(Provide for) clothes and adapted shoes
September 2018
Saturday 15
10:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 18:00
Sunday 16
10:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 18:00
Accessible to the hearing impaired
Accessible to the visually impaired
Accessible to the psychic impaired
Accessible to the motor impaired

La Scierie du Lançoir

88230 Ban-sur-Meurthe-Clefcy
  • Vosges
  • Grand Est

Guided tour of a Top - Iron of 1850

Located at the heart of the massif Vosgien, in the Parade of Straiture, this sawmill is the last witness(baton) of rural industrial past. The Sawmill of Lançoir, a highly symbolic place of Vosges.
15 and 16 September 2018Passed
Visit outdoor and indoor (not heated). Plan(Provide for) clothes and adapted shoes
Association Le Lançoir

During your passage in our beautiful region, stop the time(weather) of instant to come share a moment of relaxation and of discovery, which will dazzle youngs as the big(great).
The guided tour tackles(approaches) the life of Sagards, these people of the mountain being self-sufficient. She(It) calls out(questions) to the visitor on the smartness of the men(people) to use hydraulic strength. When the blade of the Top - Iron bites the wood, the link which joins confidentially the know-how of the men(people), the water and the forest is revealed.
A souvenir shop is also proposed, consisted of wooden objects realised to the sawmill.

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Édition 2018
No selection
Conditions de participation
No selection

About the location

La Scierie du Lançoir
88230 Ban-sur-Meurthe-Clefcy
  • Vosges
  • Grand Est
They note that in 1621-1624, wood are sold to build two sawmills above Hervafaing, that is to say in Straiture. It can be only about sawmills of the Admiral and about Lançoir, two only become sawmills state-owned sawmills. Of oral tradition, the sawmill of Lançoir was built in the location of a more old(former) construction site(work) still of pit sawyers. In the valley of the Small Meurthe, not less than ten hydraulic installations on five kilometres were counted. Each of them was built for a forest canton called "walking("step) " which supplied it its wooden supplies.
Up to the environment(middle) of the XIXth century, Lançoir was probably a saw with block. The administration of Waters and Forests lavished a lot of attentions on the state-owned sawmills to improve their yield(efficiency). So the wheel of water (that It is necessary to redo every thirty years) was replaced by 1860 with a turbine of a very original model conceived(designed) by Etienne de Canson-Montgolfier. The sawmill of Lançoir is the last one to keep(preserve) this type(chap) of mechanism roadworthy. Since Mr come back to life Durand, the sagard last one ceased exercising his job(business) (1963), this sawmill did not work any more. Its mechanism was obviously undamaged, but it required a severe repairing, the channel(canal) had progressively filled, a main beam supporting the hall(market) collapsed …
As part of a project of educational action(share) (P.A.E). with Local education offices, the pupils of the professional high school Beaumont of Saint-Dié conducted by Michel weaver, restored the turbine with techniques used in 1850 (pins and mortises). The Regional Nature park of the Balls(Balloons) of Vosges was, at that time a financier of its works. Another project with the group " Etude et Chantier " was led for the restoration(catering) of the channel(canal). The rest of restoration(catering) was led(driven), in self-financing, by Jean Durand, heir of the sawmill, and the association " Le Lançoir " where his(her) brother Roger Durand is found and they number enthusiasts of sawmills. The sawmill was sold to the District council of the High Meurthe so that this one could finish restoration(catering) and extend the life of the sawmill.
Tourisme et handicap, Monument historique, Édifice rural, Musée, salle d'exposition, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs
Opened all year long according to schedules; price lists(rates): 450 / adult and on 250 / child
Association Le Lançoir