Visit of the collections of museum and of exhibition(exposure) " Minéral' orgy "

Rich collections of regional and exotic naturalized animals, of geology of the planet among which precious minerals and superb fossils of prehistoric animals found in Alsace, rare ethnographic objects, in particular from islands the Marquesas Islands, from China, from Latin America, from Africa. To discover an important collection of old(former) Egypt, the visible(obvious) only one in Alsace with mummies, coptic fabrics(tissues) and our temporary exhibition(exposure) 2018 " Minéral' orgy " which presents on two rooms the huge mineralogical wealth of Vosges and of plain of Alsace, also discovering the place(square) which it occupies in the Human history.
First meeting: the metallic minerals, which are metals that the gold, the money(silver), the copper, the iron, the lead, the zinc, the manganese, the arsenic, the cobalt The visitor observes then the exploitation(operation) of these ores before admiring, in the second room, the not metallic minerals such the quartz, the calcite, the aragonite, the dolomite, the fluorite and the barytine, but also diverse salts and a multitude of stones rare, often deeply coloured, enjoyments of the collectors.
By speaking about collections Those, very beautiful, private collectors and the mineralogical museum of Strasbourg supplement brilliantly those of the museum. Tools and other original objects relating to appearances(mines) are lent in particular by the speleological Association of protection of the old(former) appearances(mines), the Federation of mining Heritage and Unterlinden museum, illustrating the exploitation(operation) of metals in our region mainly from XVIth century till XVIIIth century. Many(A lot) of these rooms(parts,plays) were still never presented to the public!