Sunday 18 September 2022, 09:30Passed
Free. Guided tours every 20 minutes by staff members: «Discovery of the history and curiosities of the architectural heritage of the establishment».
September 2022
Sunday 18
09:30 - 17:30
Accessible to the psychic impaired
Accessible to the motor impaired

Centre hospitalier Gérard Marchant

134 route d'Espagne, 31057 Toulouse
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie

Learn more about the evolution of psychiatric care in a unique place

With its 160 years of history, the C.H. Gérard Marchant holds a heritage of major importance: discover its history, from the Braqueville asylum to today.
Sunday 18 September 2022, 09:30Passed
Free. Guided tours every 20 minutes by staff members: «Discovery of the history and curiosities of the architectural heritage of the establishment».
©CH Gérard Marchant/service communication
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About the location

Centre hospitalier Gérard Marchant
134 route d'Espagne, 31057 Toulouse
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie
With more than 150 years of history, the Centre Hospitalier Gérard Marchand has an architectural heritage of major importance. It is the only 19th-century building in Haute-Garonne that has such historical, artistic and heritage importance," recalls Odile Foucaud, lecturer in the history of modern art at the University of Montpellier. Jacques-Jean Esquié, his architect, received for his construction the second prize of architecture at the universal exhibition of Paris in 1867\. Adapted to the needs of the most avant-garde care for the time, it is also charged with a great aesthetic value, whether it is the classicism of the arcades of the courtyard of honor, the Romanesque-Gothic style of the chapel or reminders of local architecture by the use of fairground bricks and the opening of viewpoints. An architecture that has constantly evolved to adapt to the needs of the care.
Édifice hospitalier, Monument historique
Bus: lines 1, 11, 52 Rocade: Langlade exit
©Centre hospitalier Gérard Marchant