KONPA, ZOUK, RUMBA CONGOLAISE TOUR EIFFEL Music Tribute to Jacob Devarieux, Mikabe, Papa Wemba, Madilou System
For lovers of afro caribbean music and dances such as konpa, zouk and Congolese rumba. This event is for you.
21 and 22 June 2023Passed

For fans of afro caribbean music and dance such as konpa, zouk and Congolese rumba. This event is for you.
We will organize a DJ SET face Eiffel Tower for the music festival in tribute to some emblematic figures of the Congolese Rumba, Konpa and Zouk Antillais.
The event is free and you have the opportunity to make a donation from 5Euros and more to help us better prepare for this event.
Online registration required for this event or to make a donation. Click on this link: https://eiffeltowerkizombafestival.com/welcome/