Guido Kreutzmüller – Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
Joe Armstrong – Electric & Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
„An adventurous mixture of jangly Folk, Blues and Rock ‚n‘ Roll from the psychedelic heart of Berlin.“
„Eine abenteuerliche Mischung aus Jangly Folk, Blues, Country und Rock 'n' Roll aus dem psychedelischen Herzen Berlins“
YouTube (Debut single „Recognize“)
„A 4.5-minute masterwork of shimmering psych-pop, ‘Recognize’ is an impressive hint at what’s in store on the album 'All In The Mind’"
Maximum Volume Music / GB
"Chockfull of jingle-jangle guitars, catchy chord
progressions and harmonies sure to keep listeners up into the wee hours of the night."
The Old Grey Cat / USA
Based on the compositions and close harmony vocals of singer/songwriters GUIDO KREUTZMÜLLER and JOE ARMSTRONG, THE STRANGE ENCOUNTERS take you on a trip with songs shining with pure beauty and craftsmanship.
Founded in 2018 the band has since played numerous gigs around Germany until the pandemic ground everything to a halt. Everything? Not really. During eases in lock down the band dug down in their own attic studio in Berlin together with producer Thomas Wosnitza to record ALL IN THE MIND, their first longplayer.
Released on April 26, 2024 on French label PORTS OF CALL MUSIC and South African label SUBJANGLE, this record squares the circle. In the respectable experiment of combining jangly Folk Pop tradition and bluesy Rock ‚n‘ Roll with psychedelic soundscapes and „artfremd“ improvisations, THE STRANGE ENCOUNTERS succeed in a seemingly effortless way. An album for the big screen: cohesive, surprising, multilayered.
Kreutzmüller and Armstrong are excellent observers, each with his own angle and background. In their lyrics they paint complex pictures, full of desire, sensitivity and selfawareness. Their stories come from a place of love as well as from the fascination for the everyday life and its characters. They tell of the big and small delusions and confusions in human relationships, as well as describing the social dislocations happening next door, looking right into the abyss of the human soul in changing times. If the album seems to fall out of time, then it‘s perfectly placed in the early 21st century. It‘s all in the mind.
At the Fète de la Musique 2024 at Café Wendel Berlin appear in the „Jr.“-version as duo line-up. Kreutzmüller and Armstrong sparking the flame with intimate versions of their song catalogue, stripped down to acoustic and electric guitars and piano. Be it quiet or loud, seated or dancing – THE STRANGE ENCOUNTERS are a pure joy to experience.