" Dream "
Imaginary ballads for children and their...
Sunday 9 March, 16:30
9/5 € Subscriptions with degressive rates
09 64 12 87 32 letheatredacote@wanadoo.frRegister / book: http://www.letheatredacote.netRegister / book: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/theatre-d-a-coteThis event includes accessibility accommodations
Motor impairment
Cie "En bonne et due forme" with Juliette Charlet and Simon Noëns (assisted by Emilie Delétrez).
The story of Hugo, a little boy who fears bedtime. The two storytellers will plunge you into the world of dreams, the opportunity to meet a wolf, a witch, a moon, an ogre with funny character as many characters populate the imagination of children.
Through squabbles and songs, Juliette and Simon take you on ballads!" (from 3 to 99 years) Teaser: