“ Life is funny”
The true story of a French woman from a good family who looks at her adopted country with a tender and amused eye: Morocco
Sunday 16 March, 16:30
9/5 € Subscriptions with degressive rates
09 64 12 87 32 letheatredacote@wanadoo.frRegister / book: http://www.letheatredacote.netRegister / book: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/theatre-d-a-coteThis event includes accessibility accommodations
Motor impairment
From Lille to casablanca “ It’s funny life” by and by Céline Riou alone on stage- Direction: Emilie Delétrez-
The true story of a French woman from a good family who looks at her adopted country with a tender and amused eye: Morocco
Céline arrives in Morocco with her certainties, prejudices and anxieties...cultural shock is inevitable!
Funny and sincere, she is sometimes biting but always caring and everyone takes it for her rank, starting with herself.
We laugh...much... but not that...
Teaser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sDZNQmZs0VTb_oazF1Ybigjhchx95OS6/view