Guided tours of a classic and romantic garden
Guided tours at 3:00 pm and 4:30 pm of a classic garden created in the 17th century, augmented by a romantic walk in the 19th century.
3 and 4 June 2023Passed
7 €/visitor, free under 12 years.12 € for guided tours of the two remarkable gardens of Cohons: hanging gardens and Silière
©Robert Sauvegrain
The Silière garden (3 ha) was created in the early 1660s. At first glance, one discovers a garden of classic style: symmetrical with ponds and jets of water, flowerbeds lined with boxwood, alleys and rooms of linden greenery. At the end of this very architectural garden, the return is done by a path that meanders along a small stream forming waterfall and tufier: the romantic walk. Beautiful trees were planted in 1840 and are worth to this part the label "Ensemble Arboré Remarquable".