Free discovery of a remarkable garden and entertainment
Workshops "Initiation à la construction en pierre sèche", from 9h to 17h (from 16 years), to learn the good gestures of an ancestral know-how that has shaped our rural landscapes, and restore a fence wall.
Workshop "Manual mowing" (9:30 am to 2:30 pm) for an alternative to the mower and brush cutter. The fake, a simple tool to use, economical, silent, totally ecological to use after stretching and explanations to the good gestures necessary for this practice… sports.
Workshops "Grafting" (10h30 à 12h) and "Pruning" (15h à 17h)
Workshops "Initiation à la construction de la pierre sèche" (9h à 17h), "Greffage" (10h30 à 12h) and "Taille" (15h à 17h)
Show «Lulu’s Garden» by the Preface Company at 5pm.
Guided tours at 14:30 and 16:30 on Saturday and Sunday and Open Tour. price: 7 € per person including visit, show, musical service (subject), workshops (except workshop "dry stone": price on request).
Free under 12 years.
Workshop registration required by June 2, limited spaces, contact