Capsules d'Histoire(s)
Radio explores time! Live the events that marked the history of Langres.
18 and 19 September 2021Passed
Free. Free entrance.
Inauguration de la tour de Navarre par François Ier - ©Dessin Jérôme Brasseur
Radio explores time! Live the events that marked the history of Langres.
- The Petit-Sault Tower will be part of a double commemoration:
- the 500th anniversary of the visit of King Francis I to Langres (mid-August 1521),
- the 430th anniversary of the Pétard affair (August 20, 1591)
Each of these events will be evoked via a sound clip similar to a modern «radio reportage». The principle of restitution is to approach these events using a current media (in this case the “radio”) in order to give them a contemporary tone (micros-trottoirs, “live” reports, interviews, sound effects, etc.). These few-minute sound clips will be looped inside the tower.