21 and 22 September
Duration 1h.
September 2024
Saturday 21
17:00 - 18:00
Sunday 22
15:00 - 16:00

Le Radar, Espace d'art actuel

24 rue des Cuisiniers, 14400 Bayeux
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Guided tour of the exhibition: when nature becomes something to invent

Come and discover the collective exhibition Quand la nature devient matière à invent, in the company of a mediator. This special moment will be an opportunity to learn more about the works exhibited…
21 and 22 September
Duration 1h.
Œuvre de Sylvain Le Corre, Le Radar - Espace d'art actuel, Bayeux

Come and discover the collective exhibition Quand la nature devient matière à invent, in the company of a mediator. This special moment will be an opportunity to learn more about the works exhibited.

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About the location

Le Radar, Espace d'art actuel
24 rue des Cuisiniers, 14400 Bayeux
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Musée, salle d'exposition
Parking lot of the Violet de Bayeux