Animation for school children: urban rally
In autonomy, with the help of questions, clues and drawings on a small booklet, the children will be invited to explore, observe and (re)cover the six main squares of the city center of Caen.
A fun track game and dagogical pe will allow the students to understand the architecture and uses of the squares of the city center. From the Place Saint-Sauveur, which has been active since the Middle Ages to the newly re-organised public square, this covered route raises awareness of the links between history, architecture and the design of public space.
This Friday, September 18, the children will travel the Place Jean Letellier, invested by Territoires pionniers and a collective of local actors for Parking Day, e vènement mondial de re-appropriation des places de stationnement.
The booklets are to be collected from Territoires pionniers-Maison de l'architecture - Normandie, at 22 place Jean Letellier.