Conference "ADA: women, arts, science and technology"
Workshop, conference, music
Friday 20 September 2024, 14:00Passed

Sophie Lulague
Workshop, conference, music
ADA: Women, Arts, Science and Technology
Marion Carré, in her essay Who wanted to erase Alice Recoque? (Fayard, 2024) gives some figures on the place of women in digital and science: 12% in the world and 24% in France of which 50% leave their position before 35 years. Female students were 33% in engineering schools in 2022 and 33% heard that science was not for them because of their gender. In the face of such eloquent figures, can we, by crossing the fields of arts and sciences associated with digital technology, identify common paths and objectives? This is what this first time ADA: women, arts, science and technology, will try to do.
- 2pm: Oblique/s introduction of the day
– 2:15 p.m.: Presentation of the Saloon network by Valentina Peri.
– 15h: Workshop: In the perspective of creating an interdisciplinary arts and sciences event, what would be the program? For what purposes? By what means and with what methods?
– 18h: Conference: ABC, Art, Well-being, Brain: an essential meeting? Presentation of the research project that associates arts and sciences with Anne Bernardo (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen) and Gaëtane Blaizot (Institut Blood&Brain@Caen Normandie) and the three researches conducted by Debora Viglieri (NIMH and PhIND), Éléonore Mariette (PhIND and LaPsyDÉ) and Raphaëlle Lemaire (GREYC).
– 7pm: DJ set: Lorène Plé
Follow-up at midnight of the Carte blanche at Cave Caenem: Mokä & SPRNS at Écume des nuits – 11 rue des croisiers 14000 Caen
In partnership with Amavada, Saloon, Écume des Nuits, Cave Caenem, Station Mir, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen, Institut Blood&Brain@Caen Normandie, PhIND, LaPsydé, NIMH, GREYC, CYCERON, Université de Caen Normandie, CHU Caen Normandie, Millénaire Caen 2025.