Sunday 22 September, 16:00Passed
5€ adults - 2€ children - free under 12 years
September 2024
Sunday 22
16:00 - 16:30

Days of the French flower!

European Heritage Days 2024
Sunday 22 September, 16:00Passed
5€ adults - 2€ children - free under 12 years
chateau route

The heritage days also correspond to the day of the French flower! Come and discover the Canon park and its micro flower production launched in 2023, and try to find the hidden bouquet!

> Guided tour of the Floral Farm: flowers without transport!

Sunday 16h00 Discovery of the Floral Farm of Canon and stroll among the flowers. Duration 30 min.

> Exhibition The Rose at Canon

Saturday and Sunday Discover the importance of the rose through the centuries at the Château de Canon, from the coronation of the Good Maiden in the 18th century to the creation of our floral farm in 2023.

> Dalhias Bar

Choose your stems, assemble them, pack your bouquet and pay at the shop!

> Bouquet hunting

Saturday and Sunday A beautiful bouquet made by our floriculturist Diane will be hidden in the park Go hunting for the bouquet and try to win it!

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About the location

Château de Canon
Avenue du château, Mézidon-canon, 14270 Mézidon Vallée d'Auge
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Domaine du XVIIIe s. classé au titre des monuments historiques et labellisé Jardin remarquable, en raison de l'ensemble exceptionnel que constituent parterres réguliers, bosquets sauvages, et fabriques d'époque (kiosque chinois, temple greco-romain…), all surrounded by a multitude of streams, waterfalls, canals. The walk ends in the Chartreuses, which are a dazzling set of thirteen walled gardens, entirely planted with perennials. A true open-air greenhouse, unique in France. The interior of the castle preserves many memories of the eighteenth century. Canon Castle
Jardin remarquable, Monument historique, Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Espace naturel, parc, jardin
Mézidon-Canon train station 15 minutes walk
© Château de Canon