21 and 22 SeptemberPassed
September 2024
Saturday 21
10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 22
10:00 - 17:00

Association de valorisation du patrimoine en pays séverin

2 rue du cloître, 14380 Noues de Sienne
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Guided tour: reception of the public at the local of the association

Presentation of the work done for more than 25 years by the AVVPS.
21 and 22 SeptemberPassed

Presentation of the work done for more than 25 years by the AVVPS. Class photos of the canton, genealogy, exhibitions, concerts... highlighting the local heritage.

Visite commentée

About the location

Association de valorisation du patrimoine en pays séverin
2 rue du cloître, 14380 Noues de Sienne
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
The AVPPS room is located in an old classroom with access to the gardens of the old abbey and the old cloister. The AVPPS will welcome all audiences and will retrace its 25 years of valuing its heritage.
Site patrimonial remarquable, Édifice scolaire et éducatif, Édifice religieux
A step to climb.