International colloquium "Castles and cities(estates) fortifiés:les contributions of new knowledge in the notion of authenticity"

on Thursday, September 27th
14 h 00 Visit on compulsory registration of the site of Lastours by Marie Elise Gardel, médiéviste archaeologist
18 h 00 Presentation(Display) of the Exceptional Universal Value of the application(candidacy) in the UNESCO world heritage from «City(Estate) of Carcassonne and its castles sentries of mountain» by the scientific committee in the Hotel of the Department - room Gaston-Defferre - path Raymond-Courrière in Carcassonne
On Friday, September 28th scientific Colloquium
9 h 00 André Viola, departmental head of government of the Aude - Welcome(Reception) of the participants
Nicolas Faucherre, representative of the scientific committee - Introduction of colloquium
Philippe Bragard, professor of archaeology and of history of art, catholic University of Leuven, expert Icomos for the world heritage, general secretary of IcoFort (Belgium) - Inauguration Conference
Session 1 - The fortifications of the Mediterranean World(Monde) (1)
Jean Yasmine, architect, doctor in archaeology, teaching the Lebanese University in Beirut (Lebanon) -« The castle of Beaufort (Lebanon): reconstructions and restorations(caterings). »
Katerina Manousou-Della, architect of historic monuments to the Ministry of Culture (Greece) - « The Protomaistro Manuel Kountis and the uniqueness of the system of fortifications of the city of Rhodes (1444-1457).»
Démétris Athanasoulis, director of the Antiques(Antiquities) of the Cyclades, Ministry of Culture (Greece) -« Evaluation of the projects of restoration(catering) and of research(search) for the castles of the Peloponnese (2000-2015).»
Romuald Casier, PhD student in history of art and archaeology, Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) - « The coastal towers of Corsica (1530-2018): transformation(processing), restoration(catering), reconversion(retraining); «between authenticity and transformation.»
14 h 00 Session 2 - to Strengthen and to check(control) a territory
Nicolas Faucherre, teacher of history of art and of medieval archaeology, University of Aix-Marseilles (France), Lucien Bayrou, doctor in history of art, honorary architect (France), Marie Elise Gardel, doctor in history(story) médiéviste (France) archaeologist -
« Castles sentries sons(thread) of Carcassonne and their authenticity.»
Laure Barthet, conservative(curator) of the museum of Saint Raymond in Toulouse (France) -
« The castle of Montségur and the notion of authenticity.»
Cipriano Marin, general secretary of the centre UNESCO of the Canary Islands (Spain) - ** «Risco Caído,_ spaces out sacred and amazigh mountain refuge of Gran Canaria: value, authenticity and politician of conservation. »_
Session 3 - examples of systems strengthened in Far East
Semina the Year, researcher in the centre of the world heritage of Gyeonggi-do Namhansanseong (South Korea) _- «The site of Nanhamsanseong (Korea), capital mountain refuge: politician and experimentation with the aim of preservation and of restoration(catering) of authenticity.»_
Hiroko Yamane, international economic lecturer in law, Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo, mayor deputy of Hikone (Japan) - _ «cities(estates) strengthened by_ period Edo in Japan and castle of Ikone. »**_
On Saturday, September 29th scientific Colloquium
9 h 00 Session 4 - The fortifications of the Mediterranean World(Monde) (2)
Vincent Ory, PhD student in building archaeology, University of Aix-Marseilles (France) and Isik Aydemir, honorary dean of the Faculty(Power) of architecture of the technical University from Yldz to Istanbul (Turkey) - **« Architectural heritage and problem of authenticity in Turkey.»**
Samia Chergui, lecturer in history of art, University of Blida (Algeria)
and Safia Messikh, lecturer in archaeology, University of Blida (Algeria) -
**« In the discovery of the authentic first wall of the Citadel of Algiers.» «Gratitude(Recognition) of the Ottoman fort of Bouira, between graphic archives and archaeological tracks.»**
Session 5 - The example Vauban of management of authenticity
Birgit Wallborn, director(manager) of the network of the major Sites of Vauban (France) - _** «The notion_ of authenticity read through the experience(experiment) of registration(inscription) and of management of the serial good(property). The Network of Sites persons over 18 de Vauban. »_
Clementine Thierr, doctor in geography and town and country planning, project officer extension of the good(property) registers «Fortifications of Vauban» (France) - _« The extension of sites Vauban and their authenticity: the case of Breisach am Rhein.»_
14 h 00 Session 6 - Other examples of management of Sites and Systems strengthened in France: the authenticity of the current monuments
Judicaël of Soudière-Niault, architect of heritage (France) - _ «The restoration(catering) of the castle of Haut-Koeningsbourg in 1900-1908. »**
Lucas Monsaingeon, architect (France) _- «For a diachronic approach and a projectuelle of strengthened sites: the point of view of an architect (citadels of Lille and of Ajaccio).»
Jean-Jacques Schwien, maitre of conferences of medieval archaeology, University of Strasbourg (France) - « The archaeology of the ruins: contribution of castles from Franche-Comté in the notion of authenticity.»
Maryline Martin, president-director(-manager) of Guédelon and Florian Renucci, project manager in Guédelon - « Guédelon: a contemporary medieval adventure.»
Stephane Gauthier, head of the service Preservation of heritage in the City of Glass - « The castle
of Glass, of the ruins in reconstruction.»
17h00-19h00 Visit of the City(Estate) of Carcassonne with presentation(display) of its authenticity by Lucien
Bayrou, Nicolas Faucherre, Marie Élise Gardel
Sunday, September 30th
Visits commented by the castles of Aguilar and of Peyrepertuse by Nicolas Faucherre and
Lucien Bayrou - 8 h 30 - Departure of Carcassonne (compulsory registration)