Saturday 18 May, 18:30Passed
Free admission
May 2024
Saturday 18
18:30 - 23:00

Musée du jouet

40 rue Vauban, 68000 Colmar
  • Haut-Rhin
  • Grand Est

Museum Night at the Toy Museum in Colmar

European Night of Museums 2024
Saturday 18 May, 18:30Passed
Free admission
© ministère de la Culture

For the European Night of Museums, the Toy Museum opens its doors for free from 18:30 to 23:00! The opportunity to rediscover a rich collection of toys from the 19th century to the present day. Robots, mechanical toys, construction games and old dolls take you into the playful universe of the toy! 🎨 EXHIBITION The temporary exhibition Jouer est un art: les réserves se dévoile, presents the museum’s collections through the prism of 9 different art forms and questions the link between play and artistic practices. Between painting, architecture and music, come and discover toys inspired by theater, cinema or rediscover video games and comics related to the world of toys and childhood. 🕵️‍♀️ Last night, a mysterious spell was cast on the museums... The works and characters gradually come to life and risk spreading panic throughout the city of Colmar! Find the cure for this spell with Stan the T-rex waking up! Treasure hunt organized by the Option Patrimoine students of the Lycée Camille Sée with their teacher, Nadine Resch, to discover the museums of Colmar differently. In partnership with the Toy Museum of Colmar, the Bartholdi Museum, the Natural History and Ethnography Museum of Colmar, the Unterlinden Museum, the Dominican Library and the Museum of Municipal Factories. Last entry at 10:45.

About the location

Musée du jouet
40 rue Vauban, 68000 Colmar
  • Haut-Rhin
  • Grand Est
The Toy Museum of Colmar, installed(settled) in an old(former) cinema, exposes(explains) collections of toys the from XIXth century till XXth century. The public finds successfully the heroin of his childhood: Barbie, Kiki, scale-downs, robots, video consoles, cuddly toys(fluffs)... A museum for all children's generations!
Tourisme et handicap, Society and civilisation
© Musée du jouet de Colmar