Jeudi 23 février 2023, 09h00Passé
sur insciption / registration needed
Février 2023
Jeudi 23
09:00 - 13:00


  • Hérault
  • Occitanie

Grant Writing training for faculty

Grant Writing course functions as a guided introduction to both searching for and writing scientific grants.
Jeudi 23 février 2023, 09h00Passé
sur insciption / registration needed

Grant Writing course functions as a guided introduction to both searching for and writing scientific grants. The course is designed to reduce the mystery of finding and applying for international funding, specifically for European funding, that requires applications to be written in English. The course will focus on reading and interpreting the demands and conventions of specific applications, as well as how to adjust an academic writing style to fit specific formats of scientific grants.

Grant Writing will give participants the ability to research and respond professionally in English to grant proposals for their field of expertise. By learning to establish and solidify a strategy, participants will be able to search for and write grant proposals effectively and autonomously. The two individual consultations in the middle and the end of the course create a structured workflow to allow for participants to complete a grant proposal by the end of the course, while engaging in the benchmarking process that helps them understand the language norms in grant writing.

This training is reserved for permanent researchers of Université Paris-Saclay.
To register to this training please use this email address: awc-registrations@centralesupelec.fr
This course is run by the Academic Writing Center.

grant, grantwriting, Open4Research

À propos du lieu

  • Hérault
  • Occitanie