Sonntag 2 Juni, 15:00Passed
Juni 2024
Sonntag 2
15:00 - 16:00
Accessible to the motor impaired
8 to 99 years old

musée de la bataille de Fromelles

Rue de la Basse ville 59249 Fromelles
  • Nord

Guided tour "Australians from elsewhere" at the Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery

The Museum of the Battle of Fromelles offers a guided tour of the Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery on the theme of Australian soldiers of non-British origins.
Sonntag 2 Juni, 15:00Passed

The Museum of the Battle of Fromelles offers a guided tour of the Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery on the theme of non-British Australian soldiers.
On this occasion, the particularities of a military cemetery are also mentioned and soldier portraits that are buried there are told.

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Über den Standort

musée de la bataille de Fromelles
Rue de la Basse ville 59249 Fromelles
  • Nord

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