My vegetable garden with Amélie

The associations Les Jardiniers de Villeneuve d'Ascq and APC offer 6 sessions of gardening classes, the first appointment will be on Saturday, January 18 from 10am to 11:30 at the Maison des assos'.
Gardening classes
This gardening course will help you better plan your plantings over the seasons. It will cover soil preparation, vegetable garden organization, seedlings, planting, compost and gardening maintenance in general. Whether you are a beginner or not, you will be able to better understand the needs of plants and their link with the soil.
This course is held in 6 sessions. They are held once a month from January to June. The in-room presentations may be followed by practical demos.
Sessions will be held on Saturday (10:00-11:30) to the House of associations of Flers-Bourg12 Devred Street.
This operation is conducted in partnership with the associations Les Jardiniers de Villeneuve d'Ascq and APC (Association for the Promotion of Citizenship).
Practical information
It is requested to register for all the sessions that are free, a membership in one of the organizing associations is required (10 €).
Schedule: January 18th, February 1st, March 8th, April 26, May 17th, June 14th.
Registration before the 15th of January.
Info and registration:
- 06 70 81 71 29;