Patricia Geissler, an internationally renowned bryologist dedicated to science

Patricia Geissler's thesis on the bryological vegetation of Alpine watercourses quickly established her excellence as a scientist and bryologist. As curator at the Geneva Botanical Garden, she was the custodian of two of the world's major bryological collections, the Hedwig-Schwägrichen herbarium and the Stephani herbarium.
Aside from her curatorial duties, she worked on her monograph of Marchesinia (Hepatics, Lejeuneaceae), as well as on the genus Grimmia.
Follow the presentation dedicated to Patricia Geissler.
This guided tour is part of the “Variations botaniques” series and complements "Our Illustrious Scientists", an exhibition included in COLLECTOR and dedicated to the great names in botany who have marked the history of the Geneva Botanical Garden and whose remarkable contributions to our collections are on display to mark the 200th anniversary of the Conservatoire.
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