Sonntag 3 November, 17:30Passed
November 2024
Sonntag 3
17:30 - 18:00
4 to 99 years old

Final collective Haka

Collective Haka in the MEG foyer to round off the weekend of festivities. MEG foyer. Sunday 3 November at 5.30pm.
Sonntag 3 November, 17:30Passed
Samuel MEG

To celebrate the end of the weekend of festivities, meet up in the MEG foyer, in front of the collective work created by the museum's public during the workshop given by George Nuku, to create a collective haka with the artist.

George Tamihana Nuku is an artist born in 1964 in Omahu, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Of Germanic and Scottish ancestry on his father's side, his maternal branch links him to the Māori tribes of Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Tūwharetoa. After studies in art, sociology, geography and Māori culture at Massey University, he began a career in the plastic arts in 1986. He works with both natural materials, such as stone, bone, wood or shell, and plastic to create monumental installations which aim to increase public awareness of ocean pollution and question our relationship with nature.

Texte alternatif à l'image
Making off du shooting de George Nuku pour l'exposition
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Event type
Type d'événement Institutions
Public(s) cible(s)
General public, Family and kids, Youth und Senior citizens
ID Secutix
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Event organisation
VDG Event
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (MEG)
Organisateur url
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Campagne - ça se discute
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Über den Standort

Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève

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