Mittwoch 4 Dezember, 16:30Passed
Dezember 2024
Mittwoch 4
16:30 - 18:00
Accessible to the motor impaired
16 to 99 years old

Series of lectures: "What sounds do to history. Reflections based on a few case studies".

Master's lecture in ethnomusicology. Presented by Nelly Valsangiacomo (UNIL), in discussion with Mathieu Centelighe and Mina Goudour. Temporary exhibition. Wednesday 4 December at 4.30pm.
Mittwoch 4 Dezember, 16:30Passed
© Philippe Schmid, Médiathèque Valais – Martigny

Since the 1990s, the humanities and social sciences have developed a great interest in acoustic and auditory phenomena, with the aim of denaturalising the perception of sound, by proving that sound, like all the senses, is an integral part of our social and cultural constructs and that its use is often far from trivial. While the importance of the senses and sound in understanding the complexity of historical phenomena no longer needs to be demonstrated, the subject remains a challenge that has only partially been met.
Nelly Valsangiacomo is a professor at the Faculty of Arts, UNIL, in the History Section - Centre for Cultural History.

Latest publications Nelly Valsangiacomo, Laine Chanteloup (dir.), Résonances. The sound dimension of the Alps https://www.antipodes.ch/produit/resonances/
Nelly Valsangiacomo, Jon Mathieu (dir.), Paysages sensibles. Toucher, goûter, entendre, sentir, voir les Alpes, Lausanne: Antipodes editions, 2023 https://www.antipodes.ch/produit/paysages-sensibles-des-alpes/
Rosita Fibbi, Marco Marcacci, Nelly Valsangiacomo (a cura di), Italianità plurale. Analisi e prospettive elvetiche https://www.editore.ch/shopvm/le-sfide-della-svizzera/italianità-plurale-detail.html

Texte alternatif à l'image
Transport de vaches par hélicoptère, Verbier, 20 avril 1975.
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Exposition temporaire
Event type
Conference - Meeting
Type d'événement Institutions
Conférence und Musique
Public(s) cible(s)
General public
ID Secutix
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Event organisation
VDG Event
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (MEG)
Organisateur url
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Culture VDG
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Campagne - ça se discute
Is harmony universal ? (music)

Über den Standort

Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève

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