Sonntag 11 Oktober 2020, 14:30Passed
Oktober 2020
Sonntag 11
14:30 - 15:30
Accessible to the motor impaired
16 to 99 years old

<button class="btn btn__meg">IN FRENCH ONLY</button><br />Blurring Boundaries: carnival masks from the Lötschental in Valais

Meeting with Heinrich Rieder, creator and mask sculptor from the Lötschental. Temporary exhibition. Sunday 11 October at 2.30 pm. In French only.
Sonntag 11 Oktober 2020, 14:30Passed

Jean Dubuffet has never ceased to question the field of art and its boundaries, participating in his time in a radical critique of the definition of the discipline. What about this field today?

Heinrich Rieder, creator and sculptor of carnival masks for the Lötschental, talks about his current practice and the stakes that exist in the definition of the "authentic" mask in relation to artistic reappropriation. A unique face-to-face encounter between his contemporary Lötschental masks and the MEG masks that so fascinated Dubuffet during his visit to the Museum in 1945.

Texte alternatif à l'image
Heinrch Rieder, bandana noir avec des têtes de mort sur la tête, avec deux masques du Lötschental, en bois peint.
Other place
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Atelier de la médiation et exposition temporaire
Event type
Conference - Meeting
Type d'événement Institutions
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Public(s) cible(s)
General public
ID Secutix
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Event organisation
VDG Event
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (MEG)
Organisateur url
Contribution service
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Campagne - ça se discute
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Über den Standort

Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève

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