Donnerstag 13 Juli 2023, 20:00Passed
Juli 2023
Donnerstag 13
20:00 - 23:00

Place Chevelaure

Place Chevelaure - 33270 Bouliac
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Fireworks in Bouliac!

Join us in Bouliac on 13 July for a disco show followed by fireworks!
Donnerstag 13 Juli 2023, 20:00Passed

Bouliac is preparing a colourful concert show with "Mon truck en plumes", a lorry containing a gang of drag queens and crazy disco singers.
After the show, lanterns will be handed out and there will be a fireworks display at 10.30pm. The evening will end with a DJ set.

Practical info

  • Fireworks: 10.30pm
  • Place Chevelaure - 33270 Bouliac
fireworks, food, dj, music und show
art de vivre, Enfants und à la une
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Catégories Agenda Métropolitain
Fête - Festival
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Catégories Médiathèque
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Categories of the city of Bordeaux
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Über den Standort

Place Chevelaure
Place Chevelaure - 33270 Bouliac
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine