4 und 5 Juni 2016Passed
Juni 2016
Samstag 4
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Sonntag 5
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Accessible to the hearing impaired
Geeignet für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung
Accessible to the psychic impaired
Accessible to the motor impaired

Chartreuse Notre Dame du Val Saint Jean

Chemin de Basseville, 58500 Pousseaux, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
  • Nièvre
  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

The charterhouse of Basseville Notre-Dame du Val Saint-Jean

The rebirth of the charterhouse Notre-Dame du Val Saint-Jean undertook in 2010 with the creation of an orchard and a "hortus conclusus".
4 und 5 Juni 2016Passed

The charterhouse Notre-Dame du Val Saint-Jean in Basseville, Burgundy was founded in 1328 nested in the Yonne valley along the glorious Nivernais Canal. During 450 years the place was inhabited by monks who cultivate the land of the monastery for self-sufficency. During the Revolution the carthusian monastery was sold as national property and the last monks dispersed. In 2010 its new owner undertakes the rebirth of the property and creates an orchard of old native varieties, an "hortus conclusus" type garden among other things.

The enclosed garden is it made up of different varieties of plants in raised wooden crates: flowers, vegetables, medicinal, aromatic and dye plants.

Only a few fragments of the ancient monastic buildings have been preserved until today, and among them, the former refectory and kitchens of the abbey.

Visitors are therefore witnessing the patient restoration of this wonderful historical site.

© Copyright : Dominique Kieffer


Thème 2016
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Über den Standort

Chartreuse Notre Dame du Val Saint Jean
Chemin de Basseville, 58500 Pousseaux, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
  • Nièvre
  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Ouverture exceptionnelle, Première participation, Monument historique, Jardin vivrier (potager, verger, jardins familiaux, jardin de simples...), Jardin de création récente und Jardin privé