Flash visit
Visit flash of the temporary and permanent exhibition. Saturday 25 may from 5:20pm to 11:20pm. In French only.
Samstag 25 Mai, 17:20Passed
Register / book: https://billetterie-culture.geneve.ch/selection/event/date?productId=10229166764564© MEG
Flash visits on different themes are offered in the MEG's permanent and temporary exhibitions.
Permanent exhibition
Unusual dialogues: 5.20pm, 6.20pm, 7.20pm, 8.20pm, 9.20pm, 10.20pm
Jebena, coffee times: 5.40pm, 6.40pm, 7.40pm-7.5pm, 8.40pm, 9.40pm, 10.40pm
The matter of sound: 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm
Temporary exhibition
What traces of slavery remain in Geneva? :6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm, 9 pm, 10 pm, 11 pm
Struggles and resistance of indigenous peoples in Geneva: 18h20, 19h20, 20h20, 21h20, 22h20