Memories: Writing workshop with Denis Pourawa

Remembering, passing on, telling, writing... this day dedicated to memories aims to explore this notion through various free activities for all audiences at the MEG.
The Kanak writer, poet and author Denis Pourawa has designed and is leading a writing workshop on the notion of memory.
The notion of memory is extremely important for the Kanak, the first inhabitants of New Caledonia. It is particularly through engraved bamboo that the Kanak tell stories, recount and illustrate with great precision and skill the many aspects of their daily life, as well as the irruption of the Europeans in the 19th century. For their owners, these objects were visual reminders of an important event, to record their impressions and share them with others.
Although their production was interrupted around 1917, some contemporary artists have reappropriated a traditional medium and techniques to transcribe contemporary concerns and reality.
During this writing workshop, the artist Denis Pourawa will take you to meet three engraved bamboos preserved in the MEG's permanent exhibition: two traditional bamboos and one contemporary bamboo, made by the Kanak artist Micheline Néporon, Denis Pourawa's aunt.
After some explanations on these fundamental works of Kanak culture, he will accompany you during a writing workshop linked to memory and remembrance so that you can also put your own stories or history on paper.
These workshops are free and open to all, there is no need to have a particular level of writing to be able to participate.
Materials are provided during the workshops and the workshops are held in French.
The writing workshop takes place twice a day, once from 1.30 to 3.30 pm and then from 4 to 6 pm.
Places are limited and reservations are required by email to, stating your name, surname, telephone number and the number of people accompanying you.
Speaker: Denis Pourawa, poet, author and Kanak writer; Roberta Colombo Dougoud, curator, head of the MEG Oceania Department.