Sonntag 26 März 2023, 17:00Passed
März 2023
Sonntag 26
17:00 - 18:00
Accessible to the motor impaired
3 to 99 years old

Ferme d'en Haut

268 rue Jules-Guesde 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

SOLD OUT Young audience show La Tête dans les étoiles by Les Guilidoux, Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 5 pm at Ferme d'en Haut

From the company Les Quatre chemins bohème
Sonntag 26 März 2023, 17:00Passed
Service culture, mairie de Villeneuve d'Ascq

COMPLETE La Tête dans les étoiles by Les Guilidoux from the company Les Quatre chemins bohème
If you look up at night, you can see thousands of stars, if you look much closer, you can see billions of planets. Among them, a very singular little planet, far from everything and on which there is nothing at all. Her friend the moon knows many sweet dreamers who live cramped in their imaginary world.
The moon will have no trouble inspiring the Guilidoux to discover this planet. Will the Guilidoux be able to undertake and succeed in this long journey?
Will they be able to make this planet the wonderful place where they dream of living?
In a poetic form that characterizes them, the Guilidoux describe a surrealist world very close to that of childhood, a world that is enough to imagine to see it create itself.
The Guilidoux present us a multidisciplinary show where all the instruments are played live piano, guitars, percussions, violin, accordion, bass, vocal harmonies...
In this show, the Guilidoux also develop comedy, dance, and graphic art through an animated film that plays the sets here, adding even more color to the magic and magic of this show.
From 3 years, duration 50mn, price 6 € or 4 €

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Über den Standort

Ferme d'en Haut
268 rue Jules-Guesde 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
La Ferme d'en Haut is a cultural facility with a performance hall, an exhibition hall and a tavern. It can also host artists in residence.
Access: Motorway Paris-Ghent - exit Château-quartier Flers-Bourg, Metro Pont-de-bois, bus 13 stop Faidherbe or liane 6, stop Château or Metro Fort de Mons: liane 6 stop Château.
Mairie de Villeneuve d'Ascq

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